Blog Posts

Strength Training to Reduce Stress?
[image courtesy of] How does strength training reduce stress? It seems like a paradox. “I’m too tired to strength train.” “Exercise is just more

Happiness is not a feeling?
[image courtesy of Photo by Michael Hamments on] I recently returned from India with the feeling I had been beamed “up” there (Scotty/StarTrek reference)

Wired & Tired!
image courtesy of I was guiding a small TRE® & Yoga practice group through my Calm Scale when one participant described their experience

Curiosity Heals?!
image courtesy of I’ve been teaching a curiosity theme in my yoga classes for several years now and I’m always surprised by how powerfully

Forgiveness Is Giving Up All Hope For A Better Past
[image courtesy of] Lily Tomlin said it plainly, “Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past.” Each time I read this quote

What is Somatics?
A private client recently finished up a Personal Self Healing series with me and asked, “How do I describe what you do? What is