Online Introduction To TRE® & Yoga
Release, Regulate, Relate and Renew into your Resilience with TRE® Yoga
Maybe you are experiencing tension in your body: muscle tightness; chronic tension and/or pain; fixed postural positions; or limitations of scar tissue from old injuries or surgeries.
Perhaps your emotions are getting the better of you, anger, regret, stuck grief, anxiety, or depression are not moving through you, but sticking around and feeling fixed.
You might be waking in the morning with a mind full of racing thoughts; maybe you’re having panic attacks, insomnia, racing heart, shortness of breath, and/or digestive problems.
Or perhaps you seek body-based support to recover from stressful work environments; sports and fitness training; or one or more direct or vicarious life traumas.
You might like another tool for managing coping skills around stressful events, like dentistry, studying for an exam, giving a speech, or being in challenging family situations.
Or you might be looking for a body-based avenue to mindfulness; a new way to tap into your creativity; or improve your relationships.
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Take me to Registration Details.The Online Introduction To TRE® & Yoga Can Help
The Online Introduction to TRE® & Yoga invites you to join a small group of not more than 8 participants to come together to learn how to use the powerful healing practices of TRE® & Yoga to elicit your body’s own natural neurogenic tremor response.
You might recall a time when you had to speak in front of a crowd and your hands were shaking; maybe you found yourself shaking after an accident, or you’ve noticed your dog shaking during a thunderstorm. We shake with excitement, we shake with anger, we shake with grief. We shake after a challenging workout. This shaking or trembling is part of a body’s healing response to stress and/or trauma. We learn in our culture that shaking or trembling is a “problem to be diagnosed, fixed, and treated.” Sometimes it is, but oftentimes our conditioning teaches us it’s a problem. In TRE® we view this tremor response as an automatic function of your nervous system in response to stress that is healing! Your body has the built-in recovery response to your tension and stress, and it can show up as shaking, trembling, temperature changes, stretches, and other movements. We’ll work together using the latest neuroscience in TRE® & the powerful healing practices of yoga to create a safe enough container for you to experience this tremor response in a non-distressed state, releasing habitual contraction patterns in your body.
Your body is made, not only to experience stress and trauma, but to heal and resolve the effects of excessive tension in your bodymind. When your body is more settled, your mind settles, and the “second arrow” as they say in Buddhism, your thoughts about what you are feeling, do not pierce your peace and ease.
In this group, you will explore a variety of ways to stop, start, and relate to your TRE® response including: yoga mindfulness and breath practices; yoga postures to include yin yoga, hatha yoga, restorative yoga, yoga nidra (yogic sleep), and yoga wellness applications. We’ll use yoga props and household items to support, move, or slow your TRE® experience.
The group provides its own healing container that resonates together (compare singing alone to singing in a choir) to enhance your healing potential. Integration and time to share with the community concludes each session.
This series is for you if you:
Have never learned TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) and are interested in learning more. It is also for you if you would like a refresher; if you prefer practicing with others; or would like the guidance and expertise of a certified TRE® provider.
This series is also for you if you:
- suffer from stress, anxiety, or symptoms of PTSD or vicarious trauma.
- have a hard time settling your body and/or your mind.
- could use support with improving your sleep quality.
- would like to reduce tension-related pain in your body.
- need increased flexibility (body, heart, and mind).
- want to improve your overall resiliency.
- desire to expand your emotional intelligence.
- would like to find ways to integrate TRE® into your regular routines.
- are open to experiencing how connection to others in community heals.
This is not for you if you:
- have an untreated major medical issue; broken bones or sprains; or recent surgery still under physician’s care.
- are having difficulty with extreme emotional overwhelm or struggle with bipolar disorder; schizophrenia; manic/depressive; psychosis; severe depression; borderline personality disorder; or untreated PTSD, private sessions are recommended for integrating TRE® with these conditions.
- are pregnant (due to lack of research at this time).
- hope to participate without being seen or heard. This is an interactive experience and online TRE® delivery requires that participants are in communication with their provider.
- do not have a safe enough feeling space to practice (i.e., your home does not feel like a safe place for you and you don’t have access to a safe enough feeling space to participate).
- are very uncomfortable with technology or do not have access to a device with a camera and sound (laptops recommended, phones and tablets work as well).
Holistic and In-depth Approach
This series is holistic and designed to go deep. I’ll teach you the current science and guided practices of TRE® & Yoga. Sessions include breathwork (pranayama), mantra (chanting/toning/vocalizing), asana (postures), and practices growing your skills in reading and responding to your nervous system. Sessions close with a community check-in for sharing our experiences.
Each week we will explore teachings and practices around specific themes. The themes build on each other, offering you a clear vision for continuing practice on your own after the series ends.
- Open to your curiosity, self-compassion, and awareness in a container of nervous system regulation that you learn to cultivate for yourself using my Calm Scale. Through breath and grounding practices you will invite enough safety to your organism to release habitual tension patterns in your bodymind.
- Engage with your stress response through mindfulness, the key to experiencing the present moment, regulating emotions, and untangling the knots of stress and tension. You’ll learn how to respond to subtle resistance in your body, and honor your own individual healing journey.
- Align and integrate your experiences through self-care and right action. What is right for me and my body/heart/mind? What discerning choices can I make moment to moment for my own healing, recovery, and well-being? How does the group reflect or enhance my experience? Connectedness to others is a biological imperative, healing happens in community. We’ll explore this within our group and identify ways to find connection with other regulated bodies outside this course.
Renew Your Resilience
- Resilience is the courage to grow from your stress. Putting together the skills and practices from the previous sessions you are left with the fortitude to move forward in your life with more peace and ease. Identify ways to expand your TRE® practice into your daily routines. Explore how TRE® &Yoga can support your creativity, recovery, presence, connection in your relationships, and much more.
Small, Intimate Group Experience
Because I want to create a safe, intimate experience, the group will be limited to 8 participants.
The smaller group size ensures that I can offer more guidance to each of you, and also helps foster deeper connections between you and the other members. You’re not just a box on the screen in a massive group. You’re an integral part of everyone’s experience. I’ve seen the resonance of this work happen in both in-person group sessions as well as online group practice sessions.
This series can help you:
- learn how to initiate, stop, and restart your body’s own healing response through the TRE® movement patterns (be they tremors, shakes, stretches, vibrations,
- calm anxiety, move depression, soothe symptoms of PTSD and improve your emotional resilience.
- release chronic tension or holding patterns in your body, leaving you feeling more integrated and balanced, often alleviating contracted chronic pain patterns.
- invite a more safe, secure, and relational state to your body improving your capacity to engage with counseling, mindfulness, and how you show up in your relationships.
- recover better from exercise, support healing musculoskeletal injuries, and improve posture and faulty movement patterns.
- cultivate a healing relationship with your body.
- identify and honor your own unique TRE® experience in the supportive environment of the group.
- connect to the healing power of our shared experience in the community.
As Your Facilitator
I know stress and trauma, and I know it well. Diagnosed with PTSD at age 19 and cPTSD at age 42, in the past few decades I’ve learned a lot about the impact and the recovery of stress and trauma on the body.
The past eight years of my life have been dedicated to my recovery for the benefit of myself, my family, my community, and all beings.
My yoga studies and trauma training have equipped me with a groundedness and freedom I thought I’d never experience. I am grateful to be in a position to share the knowledge and practices I’ve learned to heal myself with you.
I am honored to guide you in your healing and recovery journey.
Certified Yoga Educator
I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher, and I also bring 18 years of Personal training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction.
I Graduated UVM Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.

Certified TREⓇ Provider
I am a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise) and I assist at TRE® provider Level 1&2 certification training program. I continue my trauma studies with the works of Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, Deb Dana, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Resmaa Menakem, David Berceli et. al.
What’s Included
- Four (4) weekly group sessions ~ 90 minutes each.
- This series is accessible from the comfort of your home via Zoom.
- We’ll meet Wednesdays 6:30pm to 8pm EST. (Prepare for class to run a few minutes longer when attendance is high).
- Class dates: September 6, 13, 20, & 27th.
- Email and text support between sessions.
- Sometimes things come up in session or in your own practice that will be curious to you. I make myself available to support you in your learning journey with TRE® &Yoga between our meeting times.
- Wisdom and coaching around obstacles that arise in your practice.
- Access to a Google Drive containing slides presented in the series, as well as a journaling template, a reading list, and other handouts.
- $155 Pay from Your Heart (see below)
Pay From Your Heart
I know that this work can be life-transforming and I feel strongly that it should be accessible to anyone who wants it. I’ve been in the place where I needed this support and didn’t have it; and I’ve been on the other side, with access to the services I needed to heal, and it was life-changing! It’s important to me to bring more opportunities to as many as I can, so I have decided to adopt a Pay from your Heart approach to the cost of this program.
Pay from your Heart is an approach I take to pricing my services that invites you to check in with your heart and make payment based on what feels right for you and your personal financial situation. I want you to feel good in our relationship: valuing both what you receive from working with me and what you give to sustain my work.
My program rates reflect my experience and the value of what I offer in a way that feels sustainable to my work and my business. For this program, the suggested cost is $155. In addition, so that my business can continue to operate and I can continue to serve others in this capacity, I have set the minimum payment amount at $100.
Housing and Food: If you are currently in a financial situation where paying the minimum amount of $100 for the program would mean that you would not be able to afford food for you or your family, or you would not be able to pay for housing, I invite you to choose an amount lower than the minimum amount of $100. If this is where you find yourself, I welcome you to pay what you can and find the healing you need. Please join us!
Otherwise, I ask that you pay the program cost of $155. And, I welcome you to pay more if your situation allows, because this helps me and my business continue serving those who are unable to pay the full amount.
I’ve researched what other people charge for similar programs, and those rates fall between $60 and $200. The opportunity here is that you have the chance to check in with your heart, and with where your finances are, and make a decision about what feels right to you to pay for this program.
Are you ready to release, regulate, relate and renew into your resilience with TRE® & Yoga?
If you are ready to commit to empowering yourself to heal and grow from your stress, here is how:
How It Works
First, determine if you are going to participate in this program. I am delighted to welcome you. If you have questions, you can contact me at
Second, I invite you to decide how much you can pay. Please take time to think about the reality of your financial situation and check in with your heart and see what number feels right.
Third, be sure you have a gmail account for Online TRE®. Sign up for a gmail account here.
Finally, reserve your spot HERE.
I will send you payment options to finalize payment before the start of the program. You can also find payment options below in the FAQs section.
♦Sign up by September 5th to reserve your spot!♦

This is NOT designed to be a drop-in class; rather it is a series of classes where our shared meeting together over time enhances the individual and overall experience.
The first class is foundational for content (see above) and for group connection. If this session doesn’t work for you, you can sign up on my waitlist for future offerings. This course will be offered at least twice a year, more often as my waitlist calls for it!
No problem! This course is accessible to anyone interested in TRE® &Yoga (barring any of the conditions listed above in the This is Not for You section). You can be new to yoga! Postures introduced are not complex and I skillfully guide the class to ensure anyone will be able to follow. I’ll offer many variations to make the postures accessible for all body types and fitness levels. We will use a variety of yoga props or household substitutes, chairs, walls, and more!
You can pay for this class series HERE. Thank you for your business!
Still Not sure?
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.I am not here to put a hard sell on you, I’m here to help you find ease and calm!
All questions are welcome. Happy to coordinate a 20-minute meet and greet with you!