TRE® & Yoga Practice Group Pop Up Classes

Shake Off Your Stress!

You’ve learned TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) with me, another provider, or on your own and would like to practice with others, guided with the expertise of a certified TRE® provider.

Perhaps you’re not feeling confident enough yet to practice solo and would benefit from an experienced guide within the healing container of a group.

Maybe you are struggling to integrate TRE® into your daily life and would like to make this practice more accessible for yourself.

Maybe you feel you’ve hit a plateau; your tremors seem “stuck;” or you’re not sure where to go next.

You know you need the accountability and structure a practice group can offer to stay the course.

You want to play with your tremor through self interventions using props such as self-massage balls, yoga blocks & belts, blankets, chairs, a wall, and your own hands.

Ready to Sign Up?

Take me to Registration Details.

The TRE® & Yoga Pop Up Practice Group can help

The TRE® & Yoga Pop Up practice group is a small group of TRE® & Yoga practitioners that come together to share their practice and learn more about how TRE® & Yoga can support their nervous system regulation by bringing more balance to your body, mind, and life.

In this group, you will explore a variety of ways to relate to your TRE® response including: yoga mindfulness and breath practices; yoga postures to include yin yoga, hatha yoga, restorative yoga, yoga nidra (yogic sleep), and yoga wellness applications. We’ll use yoga props and household items to support, move, or slow your TRE® experience. Integration and time to share with the community concludes each session.

"Joann's masterful knowledge of TRE® theory, use of the practice in her own life, and expertise in guiding the practice of her students make for a powerful combination for her as a teacher. The classes feel safe and individually tailored, plus Joann is accessible outside of class for one to one guidance."
~Meg Tipper

This class is for you if you:

Have learned TRE® (tension and trauma releasing exercises) with me, another provider, or on your own and would like to practice with others, guided with the expertise of a certified TRE® provider.

This class is also for you if you:

This is not for you if you:

Holistic and In-depth Approach

This class is holistic and designed to go deep. It combines yoga philosophy, current science, and guided practices of yoga. Sessions may include breathwork (pranayama), mantra (chanting/toning/vocalizing), asana (postures), practices for reading your nervous system state, as well as a variety of ways to “play” with your tremors (slow, pause, and redirect them). Each session closes with a community check-in for sharing our experiences.

Because I want to create a safe, intimate experience, the group will be limited to 6 participants. Having a smaller group ensures that I can offer more guidance to each of you. Having a smaller group also helps foster deeper connections between you and the other members. 

"TRE is an exciting new tool for me to apply in my constant quest for more health and balance in my life. It is so simple, profound, and accessible. I so appreciate this opportunity to learn to apply it to the unwinding of trauma in my system."
~ TRE® & Yoga workshop participant

These classes can help you:

“I love your very engaging teaching style: warm, friendly, patient, and confident. The granular detail in your directions and descriptions are not only clear and to the point, but they’re also embedded with explanations describing why we’re moving the way we’re moving.”
~ TRE® & Yoga workshop participant
"Could this be my first step toward actually learning to let go? For the first time in my life, I can say 'YES.' Thank you!"

As Your Facilitator

I know stress and trauma, and I know it well. Diagnosed with PTSD at age 19 and cPTSD at age 42, in the past few decades I’ve learned a lot about the impact and the recovery of stress and trauma on the body.

The past nine years of my life have been dedicated to my recovery for the benefit of myself, my family, my community, and all beings.

My yoga studies and trauma training have equipped me with a groundedness and freedom I thought I’d never experience. I am grateful to be in a position to share the knowledge and practices I’ve learned to heal myself with you.

I am honored to guide you in your healing and recovery journey.

Certified TRE® Provider

I am a certified TRE® provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise) and I assist at TRE® provider Level 1&2 certification training program. I continue my trauma studies with the works of Stephen Porges, Peter Levine, Deb Dana, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Resmaa Menakem, David Berceli et. al.

Five years ago I joined my first TRE® group class as a participant to bring more ease into my life experiences living with complex PTSD. TRE® has helped bring more balance and healing to my body. And, since tremoring regularly, my incidences of chronic pain (back & neck), irritable bowel, sleep disturbances, and anxiety, all of which interfered with my ability to work and thrive, have been significantly reduced. Because it has been such a positive experience for me personally, I remain committed to offering TRE® to people as an affordable and accessible strategy for recovery, reducing pain, stress, and the symptoms of stress and trauma.

Certified Yoga Educator

I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher, and I also bring 18 years of Personal training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I Graduated UVM Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Psychology and Sociology.

"I met Joann through the Ashaya yoga community. I experienced a gentle loving presence that was also strong with great clarity. Because of who she was and where her journey has taken her, I was intrigued by her teachings. TRE® has become an essential practice in my life as I experience loss and change. The guided practices and teachings have helped me release a tremendous amount of holding in my body and in my heart. What has surprised me is how valuable the practice of releasing the body is to releasing the mind. The weekly classes have been supportive, educational, and safe. As Bessel van der Kolk says, "the body keeps score." Joann's TRE® class has helped me to level the playing field where my body can find more ease and my heart and mind can catch up. Joann is an excellent teacher with a genuinely beautiful heart."
~Mary Howell

What’s Included

How we work together

2 women laying in butterfly pose

My Home studio:

How It Works

First, determine if you are going to participate in this program. I am delighted to welcome you. If you have questions, you can contact me at

Second, I invite you to decide how much you can pay. Please take time to think about the reality of your financial situation and check in with your heart and see what number feels right.

Third, reserve your spot HERE.

I will send you payment options to finalize payment before the start of the program.

Finally, sign up NO LATER than 3 hours before class start time the day of the class to reserve your spot!

hand in jnana mudra holding a mala (prayer beads)


As long as you don’t have any broken bones or an injury whereby your medical professional has recommended that you avoid physical activity, you are welcome to join us! With the small group size I can make accommodations for folks who can’t get up and down from the floor or have other aches and pains that need modifications. Keep in mind the studio is accessed by a flight of stairs. Inquire for information about home visits.


No problem, I can support you in reinitiating your TRE® response in these practice groups.

No problem! This course is accessible to anyone who has learned TRE® before and is interested in TRE® &Yoga. You can be new to yoga! Postures introduced are not complex and will be skillfully guided. Many variations will be given to make the postures accessible for all body types and fitness levels. We will use a variety of yoga props or household substitutes, chairs, walls, and more!

Not for these sessions. I do offer TRE® opportunities online and in person, but not at the same time. These classes are in person in my home studio. For online sessions add your name to my waitlist.

I do not discriminate based on vaccination status. If you are unvaccinated, I ask that you mask to protect others that may have compromised immune systems. If you are vaccinated, you are welcome to participate without a mask, or masked as desired. I provide masks, face shields, hand sanitizer, and a Molekule brand air filter that claims to kill 99.9% of airborne viruses and bacteria within an hour. This filter runs at all times in the studio space.

No! I have all the props you need here, and of course, you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer.

⇨How you can pay:

Pay What you Can Pricing: suggested donation for this class is $18-$25. You are free to pay less if your financial situation warrants. You decide what’s good for you!

You can pay through my paypal link:  

-or- Send a check made out to Maitri Somatics, LLC, PO Box 8137, Essex, VT 05452

-or- bring cash

-or- I know some folks aren’t keen on PayPal, here are Stripe payment options,





(remember, if you don’t have dollars available and could use this support you are welcome to join us without payment)!

Still Not sure?

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
I am not here to put a hard sell on you, I’m here to help you find ease and calm!
All questions are welcome. Happy to coordinate a 20-minute meet and greet with you!