Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

What is Trauma Informed Personal Training?

When we read or hear the words Personal Training/Trainer there is a common image that pops into many minds. The buff, lean, directive, high energy, loud, maybe even aggressive coaching style, like a drill sergeant in a military boot camp! Ugh. Not helpful to have someone pushing and shouting at you when you already have alarm bells going off inside you. Adding more stress to an already stressing or over stressed system is not helpful.

image of drill sergeant in military fatigues with an angry face and open mouth

[image courtesy of canva.com]

In Trauma Informed Personal Training (TIPT)  those old roles are abandoned and a human, whole person centered approach is taken. In TIPT we recognize that most people have experienced some form of trauma in their lifetime (70% of people according to Sidran Institute, 2018).

I define trauma as any experience that is too much, too soon, and too fast for our body, mind, and spirit to integrate.

This can be what we call a big “T” trauma (acute), a single event like a car accident or illness. Trauma can also occur through the accumulation of multiple small “t” traumas that are chronic and consistent. Like growing up in alcoholic family or being bullied for years on school. Trauma challenges our sense of safety; impacts our ability to trust on multiple levels; and is emotionally destabilizing.

TIPT can help!

Resistance training is a movement practice that can bring us more confidence; invites a sense of empowerment; can increase our tolerance to stress and trauma triggers; as well as create the new neural pathways required to change how we feel in our bodies. Research shows that resistance training can improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety, common areas of challenge with too much stress and/or trauma.

[image courtesy of canva.com]

In addition to resistance and strength training activities, Personal Training can include multiple methods for feeling safe in your body, including functional movement practice, joint specific work that supports balance and proprioception (awareness of your body in space), self massage techniques that prepare tissues and build interoception (awareness and acceptance of sensation in our body); somatic practices; and much more!

What makes these offerings trauma informed is the lens of approach. I hold these tenets in our work together with TIPT:



From the decor and lighting to the programming selections and application, creating a safe enough feeling environment is important. I offer a cozy home studio space and have relationships with several studio spaces in Burlington, Essex, and Williston if public spaces feel safer to you. House calls are an option if being in your home is the place you feel safe.

Safety also includes how your trainer shows up to your session. It is important to me that I come to your session prepared; unhurried; and as settled in my own nervous system as I can be. And if I’m having trouble settling, then I name it!


I am not here to tell you what to do, but to guide you in determining what is good for you! You have ultimate say always in what you choose to do with your body. I come to each session prepared with multiple plans and pathways that can be adapted to how your body shows up to a session. Open, honest, and heartfelt communication prioritizing your experience, needs, and wants is important. I know what I know about my body and about body’s in general from my studies, research, practice, and application. You are the expert on you and your body!

[image courtesy of unsplash.com]


A real loss of trauma is trust. Our own bodies, other people, and places can no longer feel safe enough to trust. Through transparency and setting healthy self boundaries, we can create a container in which trust can grow. I have been there, where nothing felt safe and I could no longer discern what I could trust. It is tough spot to be in, and it is changeable!


This is a biggy for me! When trauma marks our being we feel powerless and overwhelmed. We may feel weak and ineffective in our lives. Well chosen resistance exercises can go a long way towards inviting a felt sense of your own inherent power. TIPT helps you become more confident, courageous, and stronger in body, heart, and mind. This overflows into your life where you start to regain a sense of control in your life and can advocate for your rights. You get to practice this every time we meet!

Ultimately, all bodies need regular movement practices that are enriching; energizing; and enjoyable. And if you have some favorite activities that you’d like to return to or need to train for, wether it’s hoisting that paddle board on top of your car this summer or recovering from an injury, I’ve got the toys and techniques to get you there! Come play your way back to feeling safe, strong, and healthy!

[image courtesy of canva.com]

If you are interested in getting started with TIPT email me for a FREE 20-minute discovery call. You can learn more about sessions with Joann here.

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

Private Yoga ~ Personal Training ~ Movement Coaching ~ TRE® Tension & Trauma Release Exercise

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Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).

Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).