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Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

Why I Don’t Work with Weight Loss Goals

[image courtesy of pexels.com]

It is not because losing weight is a “bad” goal. I totally get it and losing weight might be good for you, or not. No judgement here either way!

Health is available to all sized bodies!

When I first started as a personal trainer I was always managing my own weight. I was able to hide my disordered eating in my profession. It was “normal” to micromanage my food, spend lots of time on a scale, practice with body fat calipers and measuring tape; create food rules; and all other manner of unhealthy ways of being with my body. That was my story.

And, as a personal trainer I was taught about BMI; obesity; how to calculate body fat in all kinds of ways; goal setting around inches lost and pounds gained or reduced; tracking calories and micronutrients. I was also instructed to teach people to eat based on the food guide pyramid, which made me wildly angry, yuck. That was clearly no way to eat for health or weight management, in my opinion.

So I researched all kinds of diets (not that I hadn’t been experimenting with diets since age 11 already!) to find the “best one.”

Ultimately, I came to this advice: eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. If you have access to organic foods start with the “dirty dozen” (the most sprayed and treated foods). Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and dinner like a pauper. Eat every 3 hours, so snack twice each day. All this while trying to walk the line of “staying in my lane” and not dipping outside my scope of practice. I’m not a nutritionist, so I shouldn’t be telling people how to eat. Then to learn that many of those nutrition education programs are funded by big food and big Pharma (yes, at the University level!), I wasn’t sure who to trust in that realm either! Ultimately I figured nutrition and healthy eating was very individual, the sample size n=1! What’s good for you is unique to you and your history and your genetics and your access to food. As I became more familiar with mindful eating and intuitive eating these felt more “right.” And if n=1 that makes sense!

More recently I’ve been unlearning a lot of what I was taught and mentioned above. Did you know that:

  • weight loss does NOT improve type 2 Diabetes outcomes?
  • most of our body fat is under the skin (subcutaneous) and is largely benign?
  • BMI is a hoax that doesn’t take into consideration lifestyle habits like exercise and diet? (At my lowest body fat and highest muscle density my BMI put me at “high risk”?!)
  • some body fat protects you from heart disease!
  • “cardiovascular fitness virtually eliminates many of the health risks associated with ‘obesity'” ~Glen Gaesser, Exercise Physiologist
  • weight loss does NOT increase your life expectancy, but exercise does!

And back to these words “BMI” and “obesity.” It’s time to strike them from the pages!

BMI is height weight ratio that has no meaning rooted in science. Obesity is a word based on BMI! These words only measure body appearance, not health. This is so infuriating to me! As I search for the truth and I continually come upon so many more articles and “studies” on obesity and BMI as health risks when they are NOT. All these words do is stigmatize fat folks and put them into dieting paradigms that only cause more harm.

  • weight loss does NOT improve health (based on the scientific data) nor does it prolong life. In fact, on average “overweight” people live longer than “normal” weight people.
  • exercise and dietary restriction are NOT effective weight loss techniques and cause more harm.
  • there is no evidence that weight loss improves health.
  • fit bodies come in all shapes and sizes!
  • health is determined by healthy behaviors.

Sadly, intentional weight loss can lead to eating disorders, harm your mental health, cause more long term weight gain, and increase your risk for weight cycling which is a factor for poor health outcomes.

I realize these statements might be blowing your mind right now. Or hopefully creating some expansive relief?

Either way, this is why I don’t work with weight loss goals. Your weight does not determine your health, your self care strategies and health practices do.

If you want to:

  • improve your relationship with your body.
  • learn healthier eating habits personalized for you.
  • learn how to move your body for health and well being…

I’m here for it! You can learn more about my healing, personal training, and movement coaching offerings HERE.

In the meantime, if you found all of this rather shocking, here are a few resources you can look into. You are invited to join me in the unlearning…

Health at Every Size & Body Respect, by Linda Bacon

ASDAH.org for more on Health at Every Size



May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be and feel safe! May you live with peace and ease!

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

Private Yoga ~ Personal Training ~ Movement Coaching ~ TRE® Tension & Trauma Release Exercise

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Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).

Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).