image of graphic pink smiling brain flexing a pair of dumbbells
Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

Strength Train for Mental Well Being

Monkey Mind? Anxious? Depressed? Low Self Confidence? Moody?


The monkey mind is unsettled, restless, confused. The mind loves to generate thoughts! Regurgitating old stories; spinning the same thought over and over; remembering useless images and content. Have you ever found your mind wondering what’s going to happen with your favorite TV character? Yeesh, what a waste of mental energy! So many better things I’d like to do with my mind. And sometimes our minds can get stuck in thought loops that can feel impossible to break free from. Have you tried sitting to watch your breath without much success? One powerful way to change course is to

Pick up heavy things!  When you pick up heavy things (aka strength train)…


√  the mind has to focus.

√  mindfulness happens all on it’s own!

√  the tissues of your body contract and this internal hugging settles your body, which settles your mind and…

√  clarity follows!

Next time you get stuck in a work task, try a few chair squats by standing up and sitting back until your seat touches the chair, then stand fully back up. Repeat five (5) to ten (10) times. You could add a few desk or wall push ups. Notice when you return to the task at hand, are you more clear and focused? Ready to transition to your next task or find your way again in the project at hand?

Anxious mind?


Did you know that anxiety starts in your body? Then your mind follows that energy with thinking thoughts. And if that energy is fast, hot, fear based, your mind content is anxious. When you pick up heavy things…

√  your body has to stabilize and steady itself.

√  then your body feels more connected to the ground.

√  a grounded body settles an anxious mind!

If depression is part of your landscape it can show up as apathy, sadness, lacking energy, confusion, or a sense of feeling stuck. When you pick up heavy things…


√  depressive symptoms are significantly reduced.

√  this may be because of neurotransmitter changes in the brain that boost mood.

√  and you don’t have to lift so much that you are “making gains” or changing your muscle mass significantly to benefit.

√  practicing form can change your posture in ways that can upshift your mood and energize you!

Low Self Confidence?


My self doubter can put a wrench in my momentum, confidence, and self trust. When you are feeling ineffective, unsure or self doubting, and you pick up heavy things…

√  you show yourself how effective you can be!

√  you experience the reality of your efficacy above the mental noise of self doubt.

√  you feel stronger in your body, and your mind follows!

Moody much? In a rut? A little bit of everything here and there in the emotion department? When you pick up heavy things…


√  your body releases endorphins that help you feel good.

√  you get distracted from thinking loops that are pushing your emotions around.

√  you are meditating in motion, focusing on a certain task, and shifting the mind from scattered to single pointed, leaving you calm and steady.


So what does picking up heavy things mean exactly?


Well if you are feeling strong and have access to a gym or gym equipment it could be as exciting as a barbell, sandbag, or kettlebell. If you are looking for things a little closer to home, it could be a rock, a piece of luggage, a tire, or the “office” example I shared above. Working with pain, injury, or space and supply limitations? It could be your own body weight or a simple isometric muscle contraction that changes your state. There is an entry point for everyone!

If you’d like to learn more about how you can use strength training to improve your mental emotional well being I’d love to hear from you! You can learn more about my Trauma Informed Personal Training and Movement Coaching offerings here.

May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be and feel safe! May you live with peace and ease!

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

Private Yoga ~ Personal Training ~ Movement Coaching ~ TRE® Tension & Trauma Release Exercise


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Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).

Picture of Joann Engelberth

Joann Engelberth

I teach people who want to grow from their stress and injury how to heal themselves by developing an empowered relationship with their bodies. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Yin yoga since 2017. I’m a 500 E-RYT Certified Yoga teacher and I bring 18 years of Personal Training experience, specializing in pre & post rehabilitative work, to my yoga instruction. I’m a certified TREⓇ provider (Tension & Trauma Release Exercise).